The eye is filled with a gel-like substance called vitreous. The vitreous gel shrinks and pulls away from the retina as you age, usually with no effect on your sight.
However, in some cases, the vitreous gel sticks to the macula, resulting in the macular tissues stretching and causing a hole to form.
In the early stages of a macular hole, your central vision may become distorted or blurred. If the hole progresses, a blind spot will likely occur in your central vision, impairing your ability to see both near and far. Peripheral vision remains intact.
Depending on the progression and severity of the macular hole, surgery may be recommended. This includes removal of the vitreous gel (vitrectomy) before filling the eye with a temporary gas bubble to help flatten the macula and help to seal the hole."
The Central Minnesota Retina Specialists team is here to help you understand your condition and provide the best treatment possible. Please be sure to ask any questions you may have—before, during and after your treatment.

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Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM

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